絶対出ないTOEIC模試 #2


Part3(Short Conversation)

Directions: Answer questions about the conversation.
X: Excuse me, can you show me the way to Shinjuku 2-chome?
Y: Sure, go along this way and turn to the right at the second corner. Then, go straight for a while.
X: How long does it take to get there?
Y: It’ll take 5 to 10 minutes.
X: Oh, really? I’ve gotta go. Thank you very much!
Y: Have a good night!

Question1: Why did Mr.X hurry?
A. There was a traffic jam.
B. Some movies were going to start.
C. He had an appointment.

Question2:Why did Mr.Y say, “Have a good night!” instead of “Have a nice day!” ?
A. Because it’s midnight already.
B. Because he didn’t like Wickey-san very much.
C. Because he knew the man would have a good night.

英語表現メモ / Vocabulary

・Can you show me the say to~?:~への行き方を教えてください
・Go along this way.:この道に沿って行って下さい。
・turn to the right at the second corner:2番目の角を右に曲がる
・go straight:まっすぐ行く
・for a while:しばらく
cf. Stay while and listen. まあ聞きなさい。(Diablo1,2 デッカード・ケインの言葉)
・have gotta go = have gotten to go:行かなくちゃ
 cf. have gotten to do:~しなければならない
・a traffic jam:交通渋滞

