グルメ秘宝伝説① てんぷら山の上 Roppongi ~素材の鮮度、衣の薄さ、目の前で揚げてくれるカウンター席が最高~


I had a lunch with all I’ve got at Tempura Yamanoue Roppongi. You can see all the scenery of Roppongi from the counter seat, and the chef cooks Tempura one by one for you. My only concern was the weather, but it was a beautiful sunny day. I was really lucky.

You can eat with salt or dipping sauce. Actually, grated radish is free-refill.

Sea urchin wrapped by perilla ; Urchin has a so rich taste that you might forget you’re eating with perilla.

Asparagus. I’ve never seen such a juicy slice of tempura. This tempura has a extremely thin batter and really crispy texture regardless of its huge size. I wonder where such asparagus grows.

Lotus root. It is beautiful as if it were fried without batter. You can see its natural color even if you watch its hole.

I finished with their summer special ‘Hiyashi Tencha’, rice and tempura in cold soup. This tempura is mixed seafood and vegetables, but you can clearly see the shape of shrimps and scallops. I ate tempura of shrimp, sand-borer, Japanese ginger, and abalone which I have ate for the first time. They were all delicious.
I have no doubt that you should reserve this restaurant when you treat someone special. What a beautiful day!!

六本木 てんぷら山の上 Roppongi【公式】伝統の味とおもてなしを
東京ミッドタウン内ガーデンテラス3F、てんぷら山の上Roppongi。創業1954年の老舗 山の上ホテルが継承する、伝統の「てんぷら」と「おもてなし」を心ゆくまでご堪能下さい。

英語表現メモ / Vocabulary

・with all I’ve got:全力で
・the counter seat:n. C カウンター席
・dipping sauce:n. U 天つゆ(英語では「付けるソース」としか言いようがない)
・grated radish:n. U 大根おろし
 cf. grate:vt. ~をおろす
・free-refill:adj. おかわり自由(大好き!)
・sea urchin:n.U ウニ(ウニの身、素材としては不可算、生物のウニ1体としては可算)
・perilla:n.C シソ
・rich taste:濃厚な味、こってり ⇔ light taste:淡白な味、あっさり
・asparagus:n.U アスパラガス
・crispy:adj. サクサク、シャキシャキ(使い勝手のいい形容詞)
・texture:n.UC 食感(形容詞が付いたら可算)
・lotus root:n.U 蓮根
・rice in soup:n.U お茶漬け
 ⇒ rice and tempura in cold soup:冷やし天茶
・scallop:n.C ホタテ
・sand-borer:n.C キス(魚)
・Japanese ginger:n.U みょうが
・abalone:n.U アワビ(アワビの身、素材としては不可算。生物1体としては可算)
・I have no doubt that~:~なのは間違いない
・treat:vt. ~をもてなす(welcomeはどこかに迎え入れるイメージ。一緒にどこかに出かける時はtreatの方がイメージが近い)

